The Paulo Horta “PH” Personal training experience offers the support services to guide you through the entire journey of changes and development of your health and fitness goals.

Having a Personal Trainer means that you have someone ensuring you are always kept on track and gets what you are paying for – professionalism, reliability and most important, RESULTS.


The flexibility of Personal training with PH can be carried out outdoors in the beautiful parks of Battersea, Kensington, Clapham Just to mention some, at the gym, or simply in the comfort of your own home. One session will never be the same and your body will always be challenged in the best, safest and most constructive way.


Depending on your goals, training sessions can integrate a wide range of exercise techniques and methods old and new (be it circuits, kettle-bells, boxing, trx, calisthenics, Corrective Postural Exercise Prescription, injury rehabilitation exercises to name just a few).


Change your way of thinking and direct your energy to achieve what you have always wanted :

happiness, confidence, positivity, productivity and most of all, good health!


If you have read this far, chances are probable that you are ready to change your life…

What are you waiting for?

get in touch and book your FREE consultation!


Rope Training, Boxing, Kettle Bells, Calisthenics, Interval training, Plyo-metric training, Corrective Postural Exercise Prescription, injury rehabilitation, Sports Specific, Weight Loss